Key Lime Cake Balls


Full disclosure…we love summer. ❤️☀️ The sun, the heat, the iced cocktails…let’s just say give us the choice to go skiing or visit the beach, the beach wins every time. Plus, we aren’t really good at skiing. 😂 So, there’s that.

Anyways…so we love summer. Our birthday is also at the peak of this glorious season (#leoseason) so that surely explains the natural sway towards the warmer, sunny months. 🤷🏼‍♀️🥳 Because we thrive during the summer, we also thrive off of summer flavors. We also thrive off of balls. Cake balls, that is. What? What did you think we were talking about? 😉 So, we decided to marry our love of summer, summer citrus flavors and cake balls.

When we were kids our parents would take us on all these kickass beach vacations (#bestparentsever). Cruises became a family favorite summer adventure and they would take us to all sorts of amazing different ports and islands such as Cozumel, Saint Martin, Barbados, Aruba, Jamaica, and if we were lucky we’d find ourselves in Key West. We’d always be sure to stop by certain stores and pick up two important things while in paradise. A staple Cozumel stop always was to get real authentic pure Mexican vanilla extract and in Key West it was stocking up on key limes and lime juice from the source. Key lime juice is different than just regular lime juice. It has a hint of sweetness that hits a bit different than regular lime (IFYKYK) that those who truly love key lime treats can recognize and appreciate. 🤤

That brings us to our newest creation we are sharing today…cake balls are back y’all! And, this time we are celebrating summer 🏖 in the best way with Key Lime Cake Balls!

Grab your ingredients and get ready to travel straight to paradise. Happy summer babes! 😋☀️🤗🐠

Get the recipe below!

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