DIY “Happy Fall Y’all” Calligraphy Pumpkin


Y’all. ? We southerners say it without thinking. In our opinion, it’s the only way of politely saying “hi!”. Well, to my surprise (and I am not really sure why), moving to the east coast has made finding what I thought was a typical go-to saying very hard to find, especially right now when it comes to cute fall decor. You know what I mean…all the cute little pre-made signs and home decor that adorn the aisles of every single store you walk through these days. You know…everything that is screaming “Oh. Em. Gee! It’s Fall!”. ?? I know I am in good company as I walk down these aisles, picking up fall scented candles and all things pumpkin spice. Yes. I’m that girl. But, what I could not find was something I thought would surely be somewhere across these aisles. I passed by all sorts of cute things that said “Happy Fall” or “Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice”. But, that wasn’t cutting it for me. I needed my southern roots sprinkled all over my home. But, I couldn’t find anything. ?

So, I returned home to later search the internet for all things “Y’all”. ?? Well, I did find tons of cute items after a quick Google search. But, then I got to thinking…?…wait…I love crafts. I can make this myself!

Let’s. Do. This!

To the craft store I went! Easy, right? Well, easy it was. ? All you need to make a DIY Calligraphy Pumpkin is a craft pumpkin (any size you want) from your local craft store (or you can find all kinds of sizes on Amazon, like this one – click here!). Second, you need a metallic paint pen in any color you want, a pencil, and a stencil or “inspiration” that you want to place onto your pumpkin.

I simply free handed my calligraphy letters, but you can easily print one out and trace it first with a pencil.

In less than 10 minutes, I had the cutest pumpkin! Yay!

Happy Fall Y’all! ?

What You Need

Craft Pumpkin

Metallic Gold Paint Pen


“Happy Fall” Stencil or “Inspirational” Print-Out to Copy

Step by Step

1. First, trace with a pencil your calligraphy letters. You can either free hand (like I did), or cut it out like a stencil and trace it on.

2. Next, with your metallic paint pen of choice, begin tracing over your traced letters carefully. I did a few coatings. The first trace was a thin line. Then, I went back and made the letters a bit more bold, and extended the calligraphy swirls. Do your own thing. Nothing is wrong or right. Make it your own! 🙂

3. Finally, let it dry and place somewhere cute! You’re done! That’s it! I told you it’s that easy! 🙂

Join the Conversation

  1. This is soo cute! Pumpkin DIY projects are my favorite!

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