DIY Fireworks Drink Stirrers/Cake Toppers


I don’t know about you, but I hate buying craft items from the store that you can easily make at home. Yes, doing so sometimes simply saves you time. But, I feel like I am committing some type of crime spending money on small things that I could have easily sat down and put together myself for a fraction of the cost. With that said, the idea for this post came about a few weeks ago when I came across some cute Fourth of July party accessories at the local craft store. I was shopping around for something simple and cheap to add to my decor to pump up the festive red, white and blue colors for Fourth of July, but I didn’t want to get carried away with a whole bunch of stuff. Just a couple of items would work just fine.

I ran home and decided to look through my box of craft items to see what I had to work with. I pulled out some metallic wrap paper, my glue gun and got to work. In just under ten minutes magic happened. If you haven’t noticed already by some of our other crafty posts, we really like metallic wrap paper. You can do so many things with it, so of course the red and blue colored options came to mind for a patriotic themed craft. Cocktails and food are always in the mix when it comes to a party, so…Fireworks Drink Stirrers and Cake Toppers for the win!

These beauties are so fun and only require 4 supplies in order to make them which easily placed them into the category of “Favorite Type of DIY Craft”. 🙂 They are the perfect addition to your Fourth of July cocktail or sweet treat!

What You Need

Red Metallic Wrap Paper Sheets

Blue Metallic Wrap Paper Sheets

Clear Drink Swizzle Stirrers (for Drink Stirrer option)

Skewer Sticks – 4 inch length (for Cake Topper option)


Hot Glue Gun


Step by Step

1. Measure out and cut small 3 x 6 inch strips of the blue and red metallic wrap paper.

2. Cut narrow slits into the metallic wrap paper sheets along the long 6-inch side (see below), stopping about 3/4 of the way up.

3. Next, place glue at the bottom of the metallic paper piece on the end where you have no slits, starting on the right. Place a skewer stick or drink stirrer onto the glue and begin rolling it inward (see below). Glue in sections, a small space at a time. This gives the glue some time to dry as you go.


4. Allow each stick to fully dry for a few minutes on a flat surface. You should have something similar to the picture below. Fireworks! Yay! How easy is that!?

It doesn’t matter if you decide to use these as Fireworks drink stirrers, cake toppers, or both….they are sure to make your party pop either way! Enjoy! 🙂


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